We're making it free to see a GP

A re-elected Albanese Labor Government will make the single largest investment in Medicare ever. This will deliver an additional 18 million bulk billed GP visits every year.

This will mean 9 out of 10 GP visits will be bulk billed by 2030, boosting the number of fully bulk billed practices to around 4800 nationally – triple the current number.

This election is a make or break moment for Medicare: it’s a choice between a stronger Medicare with more bulk billing for all Australians under Labor, or more
cuts to Medicare under Peter Dutton’s Liberals.

Labor wants all Australians to have access to a free bulk billing doctor.

Whether your family needs urgent or ongoing health care, under Labor, every Australian will have access to free healthcare with their Medicare card.
To do this Labor will:

  • Expand the bulk billing incentive to all Australians.
  • Boost Medicare payments to general practices that bulk bill every patient.
  • Train thousands more nurses and doctors.

You and your family will save hundreds of dollars a year in out-of-pocket medical costs.

Labor is building Australia’s future by building a stronger Medicare.