2023-24 Budget Delivers for Victorians

By Senator Jana Stewart's Office: (03) 9232 8120

11 May 2023


Senate order on entity contracts | Office of the Special Investigator

Senator Jana Stewart
Labor Senator for Victoria

The Hon Dr Jim Chalmers MP



This week, the Albanese Labor Government handed down the Federal Budget, and families and businesses across Victoria are on track to benefit says Senator Jana Stewart, Mutthi Mutthi and Wamba Wamba Labor Senator for Victoria.


“This is a Budget that delivers on our promises, and provides cost of living relief for our regional community,” said Senator Jana Stewart.


“At its core, this is a compassionate and responsible budget that delivers cost of living relief for our community. But it’s also a Labor Budget and delivers on our best-kept Labor tradition – help for the vulnerable, with an eye on the future, and investment where it is needed most.”


“We are making a historic investment to strengthen Medicare and tripling bulk billing incentives, helping more than 6 million Australians access the health care they need, no matter their postcode or bank balance.”


In addition to its existing initiatives on cheaper childcare and cheaper medicines, Labor has announced a new Energy Price Relief Plan that will provide relief for more than five million households.


The Labor Government is also increasing the base rate of income payments like Youth Allowance, Austudy, and Youth Disability Support Pension by $40 per fortnight. Victorians aged 55 and over on JobSeeker will have their payment increased by $92.10 per fortnight.


“I know that this will make a real difference in household budgets – helping families in our regional communities right across Victoria.” said Senator Jana Stewart.


Labor’s Treasurer, Dr Jim Chalmers, said that the program was just one example of how the Albanese Labor Government was delivering for Victorians.


“We made a promise to the Australian people, that after a wasted decade we would work hard every day,” said the Treasurer.


“This Budget is about delivering a stronger foundation for a better future.”


“Labor is delivering the positive and lasting change that Australians voted for, by making child care cheaper, expanding paid parental leave, delivering fee-free TAFE, saving households money on their power bills, making medicines cheaper and getting wages moving again.”