Cheaper Child Care Delivering Cost-of-living Relief for Families in Regional Victoria

By Senator Jana Stewart's Office: (03) 9070 1920

04 October 2023

Senator Jana Stewart
Mutthi Mutthi and Wamba Wamba
Labor Senator for Victoria


Jason Clare MP
Minister for Education


Dr Anne Aly MP
Minister for Early Childhood Education



The Albanese Government’s Cheaper Child Care reforms are delivering real cost-of-living relief for about 302,100 families in Victoria. 


In the first week of the landmark reforms, which kicked off from 10 July 2023, families paid 14 per cent less on average per hour per child for centre-based day care. 


Thanks to the increased Child Care Subsidy a family earning $120,000, with one child in care, can expect to save about $2,000 in childcare costs this financial year. 


All Victorian families earning under $530,000 per year are entitled to a subsidy, with percentage of subsidy adjusted based on income. 


Centre-based care includes day care, preschool, out-of-school hours care, occasional care and family day care at a venue other than a residence. 


The changes also mean that First Nations children can get at least 36 hours of subsidised early childhood education and care each fortnight, regardless of their family’s activity level. 


Families can now calculate their Child Care Subsidy by visiting 


Comment attributable to Senator for Victoria Jana Stewart: 


“With cost-of-living pressures on the rise, Victorians shouldn’t be forced cut costs on essentials. That is exactly why we’re delivering targeted relief to 302,100 families in Victoria with our plan for cheaper child care.” 


“Families earning $120,000, for example, have saved about $166 per month on average since the Albanese Labor Government’s Cheaper Child Care changes came into effect from July this year.  


“This is real cost-of-living relief for local families. It is good for children, good for parents and good for our regional communities.” 


Quotes attributable to Minister for Education Jason Clare: 


“Apart from the mortgage or the rent, child care is one of the biggest bills that a lot of families pay, but our Cheaper Child Care laws are making it cheaper. 


“This means more children can get more time in care. 


“It gives parents the choice to go back to work, to work more paid hours or work more paid days.” 


Quotes attributable to Minister for Early Childhood Education Dr Anne Aly: 


“More affordable early childhood education and care is a win-win for Australian families, delivering cost-of-living relief while also making it easier to increase household income. 


“These changes are providing relief to the household budget of around 1.2 million families right across Australia. 


“More affordable early childhood education and care means more Australian children can access the transformational health and education benefits of foundation years learning no matter their postcode or background. 


“Families now have greater choice when it comes to balancing the early education and care needs of children along with being able to work more hours and boost household income.”