Delivering Safer Regional Roads in Victoria

By Assistant Minister Brown – Mason Wright 0484 761 019 | Senator Stewart – Skye Griffiths (03) 9070 1920 | Lisa Chesters – Korey Fernando (03) 5443 9055

11 August 2023

Senate order on entity contracts | Office of the Special Investigator

Senator Jana Stewart
Labor Senator for Victoria

Senator The Hon Carol Brown
Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport

Lisa Chesters MP
Chair of the Victorian Black Spot Consultative Panel



Funding under the Australian Government’s Black Spot Program will substantially improve 57 dangerous crash sites on Victorian roads, with $25.6 million allocated across the state in the 2023–24 funding round.


The Black Spot Program funds safety measures such as traffic signals and roundabouts at locations where a number of serious crashes are known to have occurred, or are at risk of occurring.


Black Spots project will make an important contribution towards reducing serious injuries and deaths on Victoria’s roads, and build on previous investments in the state.


The funding includes $1.3 million towards City of Mildura Rural Council for a full intersection upgrade on Deakin Avenue. Construction will include new signage including stop signs, a Vehicle Activated Warning System, splitter islands, kerb returns, and improvements to lighting, drainage, pavement reconstruction and widening.


Additionally, the Northern Grampians Shire Council will receive nearly $2 million to construct two new roundabouts along Sloane Street in Stawell, and install central median and kerb outstands with upgraded signage and pavement markings.


In the City of Greater Shepparton, $1.45 million has also been dedicated to replace the dangerous cross intersection at Orrvale Road, south of Doyles Road and Poplar Road, with a new roundabout.


Victoria has had a devastating twelve months with 275 people dying on our roads; this is a 13.2 per cent increase from 2022.


Lisa Chesters MP is the Chair of the Victorian Black Spot Consultative Panel which provide the opportunity for stakeholders to have a say in the project selection process, and ensure that nominations of the highest priority and importance to the local community are recommended for approval.


For more information on the Australian Government’s Black Spot Program, or to nominate a black spot, visit


Quotes attributable to Senator for Victoria, Jana Stewart:


“The Black Spot Program will deliver a $25.6 million boost for motorists across Victoria, and make our regional roads a whole lot safer for everyone.


“The construction of two new roundabout in Stawell will improve travel for Northern Grampians Shire residents and reduce the risk of serious accidents from happening.”


“I know this funding will make a real difference for locals. I’m proud to be part of the Albanese Labor Government that continues to deliver for rural and regional Victorians.”


Quotes attributable to Senator Carol Brown, Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport:


“Across the state, the safety investments will make Victorian roads safer for all road users.


“In announcing this project, this Government recognises the importance of working with the Victorian Government to partner with local councils to deliver the program in the state.”



Quotes attributable to Lisa Chesters MP, Chair of the Victorian Black Spot Consultative Panel and Federal Member for Bendigo:


“As the representative of a regional electorate I know just how critical road safety is to regional communities.”

“The Federal Government has a major role to play in supporting councils to ensure our road network is safe and that’s why I’m so proud to see priority projects in regional communities selected.”