Delivering Safer Roads For Victorians

By Senator Jana Stewart's Office: (03) 9070 1920

04 June 2024

Senator Jana Stewart
Mutthi Mutthi and Wamba Wamba
Labor Senator for Victoria


Senator The Hon Carol Brown
Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport


Victorians will have a safer trip home thanks to $33.3 million in Australian Government funding to improve 56 known crash sites under the 2024–25 Black Spot Program.  


The Black Spot Program funds a range of safety measures at locations where serious crashes have occurred or are at risk of occurring.  


The Black Spot Program will fund safety improvements to highways and arterial roads in rural and regional Victoria, including safety improvements such as electronic speed limit signs and splitter islands.  


These projects will make an important contribution towards reducing serious injuries and deaths for Victorian road users.


The Australian Government has substantially increased Black Spot Program funding, which is progressively rising from $110 million to $150 million per year.  


This is part of the Government’s response to the worsening road toll which includes doubling Roads to Recovery funding from $500 million to $1 billion a year and delivering a nationally harmonised set of high-quality and timely data to inform road safety decision making. 


Projects being funded this round include projects at:  

  • Doyles Road/Poplar Avenue, Shepparton ($736,000) 
  • Labuan Road/Murray Valley Highway to Sandmount Road, Strathmerton ($1,290,000) 
  • Seymour-Pyalong Road/Sugerloaf Creek Road, Sugarloaf Creek ($971,000) 


For more information on the Australian Government’s Black Spot Program, to nominate a black spot and for the full list of Victorian recipients visit : Black Spot Program | Infrastructure Investment Program. 


Quotes attributable to Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Carol Brown: 


“I am pleased to announce this latest round of Black Spot projects in Victoria, which will improve roads across the state. 


“Every death on Victorian roads is a tragedy and could have been avoided.” 


“Local communities know where their most dangerous road locations are and their ability to nominate projects under this program and work with state and local experts in reviewing nominations is why this program is so successful.” 


 “With the recent announcement of our increased commitment to this long-running program, I strongly encourage individuals, organisations, and local governments to nominate sites in their local communities for consideration in the next round of funding.” 


Quotes from Senator for Victoria Jana Stewart: 


“Through the Albanese Labor Government’s Black Spot Program, we’re reducing the number of crashes causing death and injury by an average of 30 per cent. 


“We’re fixing more than 50 high-risk crash sites around the country. I know there is more work to be done and encourage anyone who knows of a dangerous road location near them to consider submitting a nomination for future funding rounds.” 


“Road safety, of course, is a shared responsibility, and this is a timely reminder to be extra vigilant and to slow down on the roads so everyone can get home safely from every journey.”