Drought Research to Deliver Farmer Certainty

By Senator Jana Stewart's Office: (03) 9232 8120 | Minister Watt 's Office: 0499 779 387 | Prime Minister's Office: 02 6277 7744

04 September 2023


Senate order on entity contracts | Office of the Special Investigator

 Senator The Hon. Murray Watt

Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Minister for Emergency Management

Labor Senator for Queensland

Senator Jana Stewart

Labor Senator for Victoria


Australian farmers and regional communities will benefit from a major, long-term investment into drought preparedness, with $38 million in federal innovation grants announced recently.  

Through the Future Drought Fund, the Albanese Government will invest in six research projects undertaking long-term trials of new and emerging agriculture practices around cropping, grazing and mixed farming, to help farmers be more drought resilient. 

The 6-year Long-term Trials of Drought Resilient Farming Practices Grants aim to help farmers prepare for drought by equipping them with the data and confidence to invest in technologies and practices which have been proven across different landscapes and production conditions. 

The successful projects include: 


  • $3.94 million – Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils - will lead a consortium to evaluate drought reliance in farming systems and soils through an established network of long-term trials across multiple sites in Western Australia, New South Wales and Victoria. 
  • $7.2 million - University of Melbourne will lead a consortium to consider the effectiveness of farming-systems adaptations thought to improve drought resilience of broadacre grains, grazing and mixed farming systems, with trials to be undertaken across multiple sites in Victoria and Tasmania. 
  • $7.99 million - Deakin University will lead a consortium to investigate the diversity in pastures to build resilience, and support 365 days of feed production in southern temperate grazing enterprises with trials to be undertaken across multiple sites in Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia and Tasmania. 


The program represents a new direction for the $5 billion Future Drought Fund in providing long-term funding to facilitate sustainable change in farming practices that will help strengthen the resilience of farmers to drought conditions and a changing climate. 

For more information visit: www.agriculture.gov.au/agriculture-land/farm-food-drought/drought/future-drought-fund/long-term-trials-drought-resilient-farming-practices-grants 


Quotes attributable to Senator for Victoria Jana Stewart:


Farmers are often at the heart of our rural and regional economies. It is their expertise and contribution that keeps local towns going. With the Future Drought Fund, we’re investing in a better future for Victoria’s country communities. 


“The Albanese Labor Government is making sure the next generations of Victorian farmers are well-equipped with the technology and resilience to handle future droughts.” 


Quotes attributable to Prime Minister Albanese: 

“Australian farmers are always gearing up for the next drought – it’s a matter of when, not if.  

“And I’m proud to say that Australian farmers are some of the best in the world at preparing for and managing drought, which puts them at the forefront of climate adaptation. 

“We’ve listened to the industry and we will continue to make sure farmers and rural communities are ready to face the next drought. 

“Being prepared for drought is not just good for farmers, it’s also important for rural and regional communities, supermarket consumers and Australia’s trade industry.” 


Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Murray Watt:


“This program is about advancing projects that we hope will make a real difference in a future droughts. 

“These projects – like crop rotations, soil management, grazing techniques and infrastructure – will arm farmers with robust information to invest in technologies and practices that have been proven across different landscapes and conditions.”