Federal Funding For 58 Projects To Help Local Groups rebuild Their Regions

By Senator Jana Stewart's Office: (03) 9070 1920

29 May 2024

Senator Jana Stewart
Mutthi Mutthi and Wamba Wamba
Labor Senator for Victoria


The Hon Catherine King MP 
Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government 


The Hon Kristy McBain MP 
Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories 



The Australian Government continues to invest in the liveability, sustainability and resilience of regional, rural and remote communities – partnering with the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) to provide more than $480,000 in grants to 58 locally-led projects across the country. 


Delivered through FRRR’s Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) program, grants of up to $10,000 will support local organisations to reinvigorate their communities, following significant disruption from COVID-19.   


From improving equipment and facilities at community hubs, to workshops and education programs that will increase community engagement – these small-scale projects will be high impact.  


Projects included in this final round of the Government’s investment in the program include essential fencing upgrades for the Riding for the Disabled Association of Victoria Inc at their Swan Hill site located next to the Murray Valley Highway. The community group received $9,304 to boost the capacity of the Riding for the Disabled Association of Victoria Inc to provide safe therapeutic equestrian activities post-pandemic. 


Additionally, $25,000 has been awarded to the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) in Rochester, to enhance volunteer support and health outcomes for flood-impacted residents by engaging a program support worker to coordinate medical appointments via the Community Transport program. 


A total of 400 projects have been supported over the eight funding rounds. 


For more information about the program, including a full list of RRC recipients, visit: https://frrr.org.au/funding/place/src-rebuilding-regional-communities/. 


Quotes attributable to Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King: 


“These grants support regional, rural and remote organisations to expand their services, and are a key part of the Australian Government’s commitment to activating regional economies. 


“When we back local ideas and invest in local priorities, we get better outcomes in our communities, which is why we funded the Rebuilding Regional Communities stream – which has invested in hundreds of projects across Australia.” 


Quotes attributable to Regional Development, Local Government and Territories Minister Kristy McBain: 


“We are committed to supporting regional areas’ sense of community and resilience following the COVID-19 disruption, and this investment in fantastic local initiatives like new facilities, workshops or educational activities is evidence of that. 


“These projects will support regional, rural and remote organisations to expand their services.” 


Quotes attributable to the Senator for Victoria, Jana Stewart: 


“The Albanese Government is delivering more than $480,000 towards 58 diverse, locally-led projects outside of major urban areas. 


“The Strengthening Rural Communities program will help to reduce social isolation among vulnerable groups and foster stronger, more resilient remote, rural and regional communities across Victoria.”    


“Strong community infrastructure is so important for strong communities in the regions. That’s why I’m so pleased to see the impact of the Strengthening Rural Communities program in regional Victoria. 


“Local organisations know what their communities need, and I’m thrilled that this funding will support the brilliant work the Royal Flying Doctor Service and Riding for the Disabled Association of Victoria are already doing in Rochester and Swan Hill. 


Quotes attributable to FRRR Place Portfolio Lead Jill Karena: 


  1. “The FRRR’s SRC program is flexible and open year-round. This access to continued funding opportunities is especially vital in communities that are moving beyond the immediate threats and response to natural disasters and other shocks. 


“These are the projects that create a sense of place and identity, and the people and organisations that make these inspiring projects happen need our support. SRC grants provide leverage as they demonstrate to other funders that the projects have value and are supported.  


“But to be able to fund more of them, we need to bring in additional collaborative funders. So we invite all those who want to see a thriving remote, rural and regional Australia to join us to support local initiatives. They really do make a difference.”