Funding community facilities with new Regional Grants Program

By Senator Jana Stewart's Office: (03) 9232 8120

05 July 2023


Senate order on entity contracts | Office of the Special Investigator

Senator Jana Stewart

Labor Senator for Victoria



A big funding boost to local community infrastructure is coming to rural and regional Victoria, with Round One of the Albanese Labor Government’s new $600 million Growing Regions Program set to opening this month. 


The October 2022-23 Budget established new grants programs to replace the discredited programs run by the Liberals and Nationals.  


After a devastating report from the Australian National Audit Office, which showed the programs had been pork-barrelled to give money to National party seats without any fairness, without adherence to the guidelines and without proper process, the Albanese government was determined to provide something better for rural and regional Victorians.  


The Growing Regions Program will invest in critical rural and regional infrastructure and community projects across rural and regional and rural Australia through two $300 million funding rounds. 


Local governments and not-for-profit organisations will be able to apply for grants of between $500,000 and $15 million through the program, which will be open, competitive and merit-based. 


With a focus on investing in local priorities, applicants are encouraged to express interest with projects such as funding for rural and regional youth centres, men’s sheds, art galleries, museums, neighbourhood houses, and many more possibilities. 


The grants can be used to cover up to 50 per cent of eligible project costs, with lower co-funding requirements in place to support First Nations, disaster-affected and remote applicants to make their projects a reality.  


The Albanese Labor Government has a plan to drive economic prosperity, enhance liveability, bolster social inclusion and support local amenity in Victoria’s rural and regional communities. 


Round One will open for expressions of interest on 5 July 2023.  


Further information on the program, including the Round One guidelines, is available at and regional-australia/growing-regions-program 



Quotes attributable to Senator for Victoria Jana Stewart:


“Local governments and not-for-profits play a vital role in delivering for our rural and regional communities and Albanese Labor government are here to support you to do what you do best.”  


“The Growing Regions program is part of our Government’s commitment to invest in Australia’s regions. We’re creating jobs, building opportunities, unlocking economic growth and productivity across Victoria.”  


“Funding from the Growing Regions Program could go towards a new state-of-the-art community hub or upgrading the local library in Victoria’s rural and rural and regional towns.”  


“This program can support your aspirations and I can’t wait to see the incredible projects come to life.”  


“Importantly, these projects will be merit-based and not awarded off some dodgy spreadsheets like we’ve seen in the past. We know our regions deserve better than that.”