Improved mobile coverage for the West Wimmera

By Skye Griffiths (Stewart): (03) 9070 1920 | Susanna Dunkerley (Rowlands): 0455 035 879 | Nikki Escalante (Tierney): 0456 01 013

22 December 2023

Senator Jana Stewart
Labor Senator for Victoria


The Hon Michelle Rowland MP
Minister for Communications


The Hon Gayle Tierney MP
Victorian Minister for Regional Development



The Albanese Government has delivered improved mobile coverage and connectivity to the small community of Broughton, Victoria, through the Regional Connectivity Program (RCP).


Households, businesses and visitors to the West Wimmera town will benefit from the completed Telstra 4G macro cell base station, made possible with a $281,274 Commonwealth investment and co-contributions from the Victorian Government and Telstra Ltd.


The project delivers improved mobile coverage, access to essential services like health, education and emergency services, as well as agricultural and business technologies for the farming region.


The RCP is part of the Better Connectivity Plan for Regional and Rural Australia, providing $656 million to improve mobile and broadband connectivity and resilience in rural, regional and remote communities.


The Broughton project has been delivered under Round 1 of the RCP, which has provided $115.8 million for 129 projects across Australia. A further $200 million has been allocated for additional RCP rounds.


For more information on the Better Connectivity Plan, visit:


For more information on the Regional Connectivity Program, visit:



Quotes attributable to Minister for Communications, the Hon Michelle Rowland MP:


“Every Australian deserves access to fast, reliable broadband, regardless of postcode or circumstance.


“The Albanese Government is delivering on its commitment to narrow the digital divide, with a focus on regional communities like Broughton.


“The small regional community of Broughton, and the broader West Wimmera region, will benefit from improved mobile coverage and connectivity.


“I look forward to seeing these benefits replicated across regional, rural and remote Australia as we continue to deliver our Better Connectivity Plan.”



Quotes attributable to Victorian Minister for Regional Development Gayle Tierney:


“We are proud to have invested in this project, which will make a great impact on Broughton’s community.


“This rollout means more Victorians can stay connected with family and friends, while gaining easier access to health and education services and business technologies.”



Quotes attributable to Senator Jana Stewart, Senator for Victoria:


“This project will make a meaningful difference to locals in Broughton.


“This significant upgrade means improved connectivity for households, visitors and businesses which can take advantage of new and emerging agricultural technologies.


“I look forward to seeing the positive flow-on effects this has on the community and the entire region.”