More Funding for Men's Sheds in Northwest Victoria

By Senator Jana Stewart's Office: (03) 9070 1920

23 August 2023

Senator Jana Stewart
Mutthi Mutthi and Wamba Wamba
Labor Senator for Victoria


The Hon. Mark Butler MP
Minister for Health and Aged Care



Men’s Sheds in the Wimmera Mallee will share in almost $670,000 in Australian Government funding to continue supporting the health and wellbeing of their community.

The grants of up to $10,000 each will help four local sheds with improving their facilities, buying tools and equipment, coordinating health-related training, and hosting events with a focus on men’s health issues.

Donald Men's Shed will receive $5,748 towards materials and labour for facility improvements to address health and safety, provide weather-proof and secure storage, and improve amenities.

Additionally, the Men’s Shed at Harrow Bush Nursing Centre will receive funding for specialised tools and equipment to expand their activities, valued at more than $3,110, and grow their collection of quality product.

Men's Sheds in Maryborough and Rupanyup will also share in a funding boost to purchase specialised equipment.

There are approximately 1,300 Men’s Sheds across Australia offering thousands of men of all ages a safe place to meet, socialise, connect, and engage in meaningful community work.

Applications are open for the next round of grants of up to $10,000 until Friday 25 August. Further grants are also available to replace or install defibrillators. See for more information.



Quotes attributable to Senator for Victoria Jana Stewart:

“Men’s sheds can have extraordinary benefits in countering the isolation which some older men in rural and regional communities experience. They also support men to learn valuable technical skills and build friendships in a welcoming environment.”

“I’m so pleased northwest Victoria has received more than $12,200 in funding through the Albanese Government’s latest Men’s Shed grant round.”

“These grants will support men’s sheds to expand, refurbish and grow their membership numbers in local communities where improving men’s mental health is a priority.”


Quotes attributable to Minister for Health and Aged Care, Mark Butler:

“Men’s sheds are helping men and boys find mateship and social support to help them stay mentally and physically healthy.

“These grants are going towards some fantastic projects that will enable Men’s Sheds around the country continue to provide a supportive place where men can focus on their health and wellbeing.