New Pedestrian Bridge Connects Regional Victorian Communities

03 October 2023


Senate order on entity contracts | Office of the Special Investigator Victorian Government | Welcoming Cities

The Hon Kristy McBain MP
Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport

The Hon Gayle Tierney MP
Minister for Regional Development, Skills and TAFE

Senator Jana Stewart
Senator for Victoria

Jacinta Ermacora MP
Member for Western Victoria
Cr Robyn Gulline
Horsham Rural City Council Mayor



Wimmera River communities will now be better connected with the new Hamilton Street Pedestrian Bridge now complete.


The project is supported through $1.1 million in funding from the Albanese Labor Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) program and $1.225 million from the Victorian Allan Labor Government.


Horsham Rural City Council also supported the new $2.45 million bridge that commenced construction last year and was officially opened today.


The enhanced bridge supports safer connections for pedestrians and bicycle riders to the central activity district, local schools, recreation facilities, and the Wimmera Base Hospital.


The pedestrian bridge will encourage residents to reconsider motor vehicle use in favour of a more active lifestyle.


Through the first three phases of LRCI, Horsham Rural City Council received over $5.7 million in funding, which is supporting 31 diverse projects in the community.


Under Phase 4 of LRCI, the Council has a further $2.25 million in funding available to deliver projects between July 2023 and June 2025.


Across Victoria, LRCI is currently funding 1,885 projects under Phases 1-3, with over $153 million committed to councils across the state under Phase 4.


Quotes attributable to Federal Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories, Kristy McBain:


“It is great to see locals hitting the pavement on the new Hamilton Street Pedestrian Bridge – which is just one of hundreds of projects we are delivering across Victoria in partnership with local councils.


“We are committed to progressing local priority projects that are high impact, which is why I am pleased to deliver an additional $2.25 million to Horsham Rural City Council under Phase 4 of LRCI – which will ensure local roads and community infrastructure keeps up with demand.”


Quote attributable to Victorian Minister for Regional Development, Gayle Tierney:


“Bridges are vital infrastructure in regional communities across Victoria – which is why we are making sure they are fit-for-purpose. With this important upgrade now complete, Grampians and Wimmera residents can better access local businesses, markets, services, and their family and friends.”


Quote attributable to Member for Western Victoria Jacinta Ermacora:


“This project brings vital connectivity to our Wimmera River communities in Horsham.  I look forward to witnessing the positive impact on healthy lifestyles in the Horsham community as a result.”


Quote attributable to Senator for Victoria, Jana Stewart:  


“The Albanese Labor Government is investing in Horsham as one of Victoria’s fastest-growing regions. We know investing in local infrastructure is crucial to meeting the immediate and long term needs of our state’s rural and regional communities.


“The new Hamilton Street Pedestrian Bridge has already contributed so positively to the community in Horsham. From supporting local jobs during construction, to making it easier for people to visit family and friends on foot, the Pedestrian Bridge is benefiting the community, the economy, and the environment.


“Through the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure program the Albanese Labor Government and Victorian Labor Government are listening to rural and regional communities across Victoria, and funding for more than 1,885 projects.”


Quote attributable to Horsham Rural City Council Mayor, Robyn Gulline:


“I am thrilled to see the construction of this new bridge complete – after locals called for this upgrade for many years. It is already making such a positive impact in our community - allowing residents and cyclists to travel across the Wimmera River to the central activity district safely and more efficiently.”