By Assistant Minister Brown's Office: (02) 6277 3336 and Senator Jana Stewart's Office: (03) 9232 8120

28 April 2023


Senate order on entity contracts | Office of the Special Investigator Victorian Government | Welcoming Cities

Senator The Hon Carol Brown
Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport

The Hon Melissa Horne MP
Minister for Roads and Road Safety


Senator Jana Stewart
Senator for Victoria


The Hon Jaclyn Symes MP
State Member for Northern Victoria


Works to upgrade the Midland Highway east of Shepparton are now underway, thanks to the Australian and Victorian governments.


The $6 million project will boost safety along a 2.26-kilometre section of the Midland Highway between Cosgrove South and Nalinga.


The works include the installation of new flexible safety barriers, overtaking lanes and rumble strips to reduce the risk of head-on and run off road crashes, which are some of the most common crashes on regional high-speed roads.


It will also build on upgrades along other sections of the Midland Highway, with flexible barriers to be in place along the corridor between Shepparton East and Nalinga once the works are completed.


The project is being funded under the nationwide Road Safety Program and is expected to take around six months to complete, weather permitting.


The Australian Government has committed $4.8 million and the Victorian Government $1.2 million to deliver the works.


Traffic controllers will be onsite to guide road users safely while the works take place. Motorists are encouraged to plan ahead and allow extra travel time.


Quotes attributable to Federal Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Carol Brown:


“We’re upgrading regional roads right across Victoria, and these works will also make a real difference in reducing the risks of run-off-road and head-on collisions on the Midland Highway.”


Quotes attributable to State Minister for Roads and Road Safety Melissa Horne:


“We’re getting on with these works to upgrade the Midland Highway east of Shepparton – which are vital to ensure locals can safely get to where they need to go.”


Quote attributable to Senator for Victoria Jana Stewart:


“This project will deliver a massive boost for regional and rural motorists, and make our arterial roads like the Midland Highway a whole lot safer.”


Quotes attributable to State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes MP:


“These works will provide a huge benefit to motorists and ensure they can keep travelling safely on the Midland Highway between Cosgrove South and Nalinga.”