Voting has begun for the Voice

By Senator Jana Stewart's Office: (03) 9070 1920

02 October 2023

Senator Jana Stewart
Mutthi Mutthi and Wamba Wamba
Labor Senator for Victoria



Early voting has kicked off in Victoria.

Over the next two weeks, Australians will have an opportunity to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the constitution and address the gaps for First Nations people in areas like health, education, and housing.

The referendum the best chance we have had to address the injustices of the past and create change that will deliver a better future. This is about taking Australia forward, for everyone.

While the No campaign are resorting to deceptive tactics, First Nations Australians are looking to our communities for support.

“Saying Yes on October 14 is saying every Australian deserves a fair go,” Senator Jana Stewart said.
“I believe we can win this. Making history requires courage,” Senator Stewart said.

“I’ve spent the last few months speaking to voters in Melbourne and across regional Victoria. The feeling on the ground is positive.”

“Victorians are keen to hear about the Voice, and the practical change it will bring to First Nations communities.”

This year, through the referendum, First Nations people around the country are relying on each and every Australian to do the right thing.

“I want every Victorian to feel confident writing Yes on the ballot paper. Make sure you’ve got the facts. It is necessary to have conversations with those around you. The best vote is an informed vote,” Senator Jana Stewart said.

Together, in writing Yes, we can make history.

Visit the AEC website for more information on your closest early voting centres and voting locations on October 14: