Yes Dress at Clothing the Gaps

By Senator Jana Stewart's Office: (03) 9070 1920

09 September 2023

Senator Jana Stewart
Mutthi Mutthi and Wamba Wamba
Labor Senator for Victoria



From tonight until Referendum Day, the “Dress that Says Yes” (worn by Senator Jana Stewart at the 2023 Mid-Winter Ball) will be displayed at the Clothing the Gaps shop front in Brunswick, VIC.

With retailers in Australia increasingly shying away from making public statements on social matters, the launch of the display is a call to action to retailers and corporations to stand loud and proud in their support for first nations communities across Australia. Clothing the Gaps, known for ‘Freeing the Flag’, is an aboriginal led business who have chosen to lend their support to Yes.


We’re keen to tee up an interview at the start of the event, or in advance, highlighting the buzz at the launch of the instore display, and the role of retailers and community organisations in the conversation around the Referendum.


Time: 5pm, Saturday 9th September
Location: Wurundjeri Country, 744 Sydney Road Brunswick (Clothing the Gaps store)


An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament is about recognition, listening and better results. The invitation for a Voice, outlined in the Uluru Statement From The Heart, comes directly from First Nations people across the country – not politicians.


“I’ve spent the last few months speaking to undecided voters in Melbourne and across regional Victoria. The feeling on the ground is positive. Victorians are keen to hear about the Voice, and the practical change it will bring to First Nations communities,” Senator Stewart said.


Senator Jana Stewart has a direct appeal to supporters of the Voice:


“Over the next few weeks, I ask that Victorians are loud and proud in your support for the Voice.


“The referendum is the best chance we have had to address the injustices of the past and create change that will deliver a better future. This is about taking Australia forward, for everyone.


“Australians know that it’s time to unite our country. A Yes vote on October 14 will provide the pathway to make that a reality.” Senator Stewart said.


“Let’s walk together to a better future for all Australians."